APJCP Editorial Fellowship

A Practical APJCP Editorial Fellowship


Editorialship, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in shaping various aspects of our professional and personal lives. While some may perceive it merely as a role within a publication, its significance extends far beyond that. The importance of experiencing an on hand editorialship lays on:

  1. Developing Critical Skills: Editorialship offers a unique opportunity to hone critical skills such as communication, decision-making, and time management. Through editing and reviewing content, one learns to analyze information meticulously and communicate feedback effectively.
  2. Enhancing Creativity: Working in editorial roles encourages creativity. From brainstorming new ideas to refining existing ones, editors often find themselves at the forefront of innovation. This constant engagement with creative processes fosters a mindset of innovation and adaptability.
  3. Building Professional Networks: Editorial positions provide an excellent platform for networking with professionals across various industries. Engaging with authors, contributors, and fellow editors not only expands one’s professional circle but also opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
  4. Gaining Industry Insights: Being part of the editorial team offers valuable insights into industry trends, emerging topics, and best practices. This firsthand knowledge equips individuals with a deeper understanding of their field, which can be invaluable in career advancement.
  5. Fostering Leadership Skills: Editorial roles often involve leadership responsibilities, whether it’s managing a team of writers or overseeing publication schedules. This experience nurtures leadership qualities such as delegation, motivation, and conflict resolution.
  6. Cultivating Attention to Detail: In the realm of editing, attention to detail is paramount. Editors develop a keen eye for grammatical errors, factual inaccuracies, and stylistic inconsistencies. This meticulous approach not only improves the quality of content but also reflects positively on one’s professional credibility.

Conclusion: In conclusion, editorial experience offers a multifaceted learning journey that goes beyond refining written content. It equips individuals with invaluable skills, fosters creativity, expands professional networks, provides industry insights, cultivates leadership qualities, and enhances attention to detail. Therefore, embracing editorial opportunities can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth, making it an essential aspect of one’s career journey.

This fellowship is organized as a collaboration program sponsored by:

The APJCP Editorial Fellowship is designed to introduce junior faculty members, residents, and fellows in different specialties of oncology to the peer review, editing, and publishing of research manuscripts in APJCP. This fellowship will also empower participants to disseminate meaningful information from published articles to scientific communities and the general population through social media. Fellows will get firsthand experience in handling a manuscript from the submission to the final publication. This allows learning to critically review the manuscript under the mentorship of handling editors. This one-year-long program will be in virtual mode and few of the participants will be allowed to continue assisting the journal editorial process.

Fellows will be paired with a mentor who has substantial experience and expertise in the editorial process and publishing with peer-reviewed, high-impact journals. They will be expected to attend monthly journal calls, along with assisting the whole review process to make a final decision.

Expected Deliverables

  • Better understanding of the peer review process
  • Learning the components of well-conducted research and
  • Design, write, and edit a manuscript worthy of publication
  • Learn to detect flaws in the design, statistical analysis, and data interpretation
  • Learn the editorial process as an editor, reviewer, and author
  • Review of selected manuscripts under the editor’s guidance

The Fellowship Program, in addition to its internship training, will include two major training workshops:

Research Methodology Workshop

This workshop is planned to empower the participants with the knowledge of research methodology, which is of prime importance in the editorial process. This will be online format, spread over a week of time, and have lectures, interactive discussions, case studies, and real-world examples with practical activities. This program will enable participants to use statistical software and may have a few group presentations and assignments followed by an assessment of the participants.


  • To introduce participants to various research methodologies used in academic and professional settings.
  • To develop participants’ understanding of research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • To equip participants with practical skills and tools necessary for conducting research effectively.
  • To foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the research context.

Topics to be covered

1. Introduction to Research Methodology

  • Definition and significance of research methodology
  • Types of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods)
  • Ethical considerations in research

2. Research Design

  • Formulating research questions and hypotheses
  • Choosing appropriate research designs (experimental, correlational, descriptive)
  • Sampling techniques and sample size determination
  • Data Collection Methods

3. Surveys and questionnaires

  • Interviews (structured, semi-structured, unstructured)
  • Observation techniques
  • Case studies
  • Document analysis

Workshop on Critical Appraisal of a Manuscript

The Workshop on Critical Appraisal of a Manuscript is designed to empower participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to critically evaluate research articles effectively. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to assess the quality and validity of research findings, identify potential biases and limitations, and make informed decisions based on the evidence presented in manuscripts. This will be in an online format, spread over a week time, and have lectures, interactive discussions, case studies illustrating common pitfalls and biases in research, writing a critical appraisal summary for a given manuscript along group activities on critically appraising selected research articles. This workshop will also include sample research articles from oncology, guidelines for critical appraisal checklists (e.g., CONSORT, PRISMA), and online resources and tools for critical appraisal. This program may have a few group presentations and assignments followed by an assessment of the participants. 


  • To enable participants to understand the components of a research manuscript.

  • To equip participants with skills to critically evaluate the quality and validity of research articles.

  • To familiarize participants with common biases and errors in research studies.

  • To provide participants with tools and guidelines for effectively appraising research manuscripts.

Topics to be covered:

Introduction to Critical Appraisal

  • Definition and significance of critical appraisal

  • Importance of critical appraisal in evidence-based practice

Components of a Research Manuscript

  • Title and abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References 

Study Design and Methodology

  • Understanding different study designs (randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, etc.)

  • Assessing the appropriateness of the study design for addressing the research question

  • Evaluating the methods used for data collection and analysis

 Validity and Reliability

  • – Assessing internal validity (bias, confounding, chance)

  • – Evaluating external validity (applicability/generalizability)

  • – Understanding the reliability and Reproducibility of study findings

Statistical Analysis

  •  Understanding basic statistical concepts (p-values, confidence intervals, effect sizes)

  • Assessing the appropriateness of statistical methods used

  •  Identifying common errors in data analysis and interpretation


Results and Interpretation

  • Critically evaluating the presentation of results

  • Assessing the clarity and coherence of data interpretation

  • Identifying limitations and potential biases in the study

 Ethical Considerations

  • Assessing ethical aspects of the study (informed consent, confidentiality, conflicts of interest)
  •  Identifying ethical issues in research reporting

This fellowship is organized as a collaboration program sponsored by:

The Fellowship’s Program Director:

Dr Abhishek Shankar, MD, MBA, CRPF, FUICC
Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology
Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India
Associate Editor, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP)
Editor In Chief, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC)


Program Faculties:

Dr. Alireza Mosavi Jarrahi, MSPH, Ph.D.
Prof. of Epidemiology
Dept of Social Medicine, Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Past President-elect, Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention,
Chief Executive Officer, West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention- APOCP’s West Asia Chapter

Dr. Kamal S. Saini, MD
Consultant, Medical Oncology
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals
National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom

 Dr. Sok King Ong. MBBS, MMed, FAMS, FFPH.
Consultant (Public Health), Adjunct Professor, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Visiting Consultant, The Brunei Cancer Centre.
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Sachidanand Jee Bharati, MD, DM
Professor, Onco-Anaesthesia and Palliative Medicine
Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India

Dr. Mahdi Sheikh, MD Ph.D.
Scientist, Genomic Epidemiology
International Agency for Research on Cancer
World Health Organisation, Lyon, France.

Dr. Seyed Alireza Javadinia, MD
Radiation Oncology
Associate Prof. Medical School, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Associate Editor, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC)

Dr. Abhijit Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics
MD Anderson Cancer Center
University of Texas, Houston, Texas, USA.

Dr. Chandra Prakash Prasad, PhD
Additional Professor, Medical Oncology (Lab)
Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India.

 Dr. Mayank Singh, PhD
Additional Professor, Medical Oncology (Lab)
Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India.

Dr. Vineet Kumar Kamal, PhD
Assistant Professor, Bio-Statistics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, India.

Dr. Jack Murphy, MPH PhD
Postdoctoral Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship Program
National Cancer Institute, MD, USA.

Dr Shubham Roy, MD, FIAP, PGDDN, DPSM
Director and Consultant, Developmental and Behavior Paediatrician
Shining Stars Child Development Centre, Delhi, India

Dr. Sunil Kumar, MD 
Professor and Head
Department of Surgical Oncology Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer HospitalAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India.

This fellowship is organized as a collaboration program sponsored by:

Number of fellows: 20

In your application, you will be required to upload the following:

  • Your CV including a list of your publications
  • Letter of Intent describing how this fellowship is going to help you in your career growth and your institutions, along with your prior experience of the editorial process.

Application deadline

Applications for this fellowship will close on 25 May 2024.

The program is in English and the prospect fellow needs to have English writing and listening skills to participate in the lectures and teaching assistant sessions.

To participate, you need to send your application (refer to application form tab in this page). Your application will be evaluated and be informed as soon as a decision is made.

Registration is now open. To register, just click on “Application  Form” Tab in this page.

This fellowship is organized as a collaboration program sponsored by:

The fellowship program timetable is scheduled as follows:

Inauguration July 4th, 2024to be announced
Research Methodology workshopJuly 18th to 30th, 2024An exact schedule will be determined to the convenient time of fellows
Critical Appraisal workshopAug. 5th to 15th, 2024An exact schedule will be determined to the convenient time of fellows
Internship PracticeAug. 15th to Jan. 20th, 2025 
End of the fellowship programJan. 22nd , 2025 

This fellowship is organized as a collaboration program sponsored by:


Application is no longer accepted.