West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention, APOCP’s West Asia Chapter

The West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention (WAOCP)

The West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention (WAOCP) and identified mainly by its textual graphic “WAOCP.org”  was founded in November 2015 as the West Asian chapter of APOCP. The decision to establish a subsidiary of APOCP was ratified by APOCP’s steering committee at the 9th regional meeting of APOCP in Tehran, Iran.  

WAOCP, a scientific not-for-profit organization under the auspice of Sabsevar University of Medical Sciences, was registered in Iran in 2017 (with registration number 466 and administrative ID number of 14009995354).

The WAOCP’s activities is financed by public donations, university fundings and other profit generation activities.  WAOCP follows the same goals and objectives as its chief organization, APOCP.

Since its establishment in 2015, WAOCP is moving to establish itself as a regional forum for cancer scientists Asia.