At present, APOCP published three journals and plan to publish tow more. The intention is to cover all main domains of cancer (from cell to society). The journals are as follows:
The Asian pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
The Asian pacific Journal of Cancer Care
The Asian pacific Journal of Cancer Biology
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP), with its distinguished, diverse, and Asia-wide team of editors, reviewers, and readers, ensures the highest standards of research communication within the cancer sciences’ community across Asia as well as globally. The APJCP is indexed in major indexing organizations and It ranked number one in 2015 among all the journals published in Asian countries with H-Index of 55. Visit the journal site…
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology (APJCB) is an open-access electronic journal, publishing papers in the field of cancer biology with emphasis on the cellular and molecular biology of cancer. The journal was launched in 2015 as the official publication of the West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention (WAOCP) and its first volume with 5 articles was published in Spring 2016. Visit the journal site…
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC) is another open-access journal published by the West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention. APJCC publishes papers in the field of clinical cancer, cancer treatment, cancer diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment modalities, patient’s quality of life, cancer nursing, palliative care, and hospice. APJCC, with its distinguished, diverse, and Asia-wide team of editors, reviewers, and readers, ensures the highest standards of research communication among cancer clinicians and service providers. The journal is indexed in Index Medicus, Scopus, Google Scholar, and country-specific registrar. Visit the journal site…
Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer (APJEC) is another journal launched in the Spring of 2018. The journal’s scope is to cover topics relevant to the environment and cancer. APJEC will publish studies related to carcinogens, carcinogenicity with environmental emphasis, workplace carcinogens, cancer-causing hazards and risk management, occupational cancer, and air pollution. (Visit the journal website)….
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Nursing (APJCN) was launched in early 2018. This journal’s scope is to cover the topic of nursing science pertaining to cancer care. (Visit the journal website)….
All manuscripts published by APOCP or WAOCP are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the published work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.
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