Round 1 -Meta-Analysis Internship


The First Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Internship (the round 1) was arranged as a collaboration agreement between the West Asia Organization and Cancer Prevention, The APOCP’s West Asia Chapter, and the Department of Health Administration, University of Sharjah, UAE. 

The Organized plan and achievements:

Introduction: The systematic review and met-analysis internship program APOCP for Spring 2021 is design to help the prospect interns to go through the all steps of choosing a proper topic, running a systematic review and meta-analysis and publishing the result. The program is divided into three main modules:  1) Introduction to the program and logistical arrangement, 2) Teaching and lecture-based modules, and 3) Practice and assistant-based module.  For each module a platform will be assigned and all the lectures will be through the designated platform. The modules are further described as follows:

Module 1) The aim in module is mainly orientation and discussion on the logistics and how to arrange the lectures and practicality of the internship’s workflow. In this part, all the lecturers and assistants and intern will participate in a 30 to 45 minutes of discussion.  This module is arranged as a round table and everybody will have a video on and can have her/his thoughts shared.  The first module is scheduled as follow:

Module 1:  Introduction to the program and logistical arrangement





Opening: Internship Overview/ Opportunities in Secondary Analysis Course orientation

Monday, 14th March

30-45 minutes

All faculties and interns


Module 2) Teaching and lecture-based modules:  This module is the main part of the internship. In this module, two main subject of the internship (systematic review) and (meta -analysis) will be discussed. The aim of this module is to familiarize the interns to the basic concepts of systematic reviews, and pooling of data through meta-analysis. Areas to be considered will include the rationale for systematic reviews, the basic steps in undertaking a systematic review and principal and concepts behind meta-analysis.  Databases and tools used in the systematic review and meta-analysis will be introduced.  This module two will be divided into two lectures delivered in two separate weeks: 1) the systematic review lectures and 2) the meta-analysis lectures. The lectures are 45 minutes time based on the arrangement made on the first module. The following tables includes the syllabus and the lectures topics (The date and time will be decided on the part 1 of the program)

Module 2 – Lectures-1 Systematic Review (the week 1)


Overview of reviews types and process

Framing questions for a review/Identifying relevant work

Assessing the quality of studies /Risk of bias and introduction to GRADE/ Interpreting the findings

Summarizing the evidence /reporting/ PRIZMA

*Each lecture take 40 minutes plus 5 minutes of Q&A

Module 2- Lectures 2 – Meta Analysis (the week 2)


Introduction to meta-analysis

Fixed and random effects models

handling of effect/relative/continuous outcomes

Heterogeneity, subgroup analysis, and sensitivity analysis/

Biases in meta-analysis (e.g., Publication bias and small study effect)

Advance topics/ Meta-regression/ Network meta-analysis

*Each lecture take 40 minutes plus 5 minutes of Q&A

Module 3) Practice and assistant-based module is, in fact, the main part of the course in which an experienced teaching assistant is assigned to intern to help him through the process of choosing a real-world topic, do the search, find the relevant literatures, apprise and analysis the literature, do the statistical analysis and ultimately preparing the final product “a manuscript ready for submission to a proper journal.

It is expected that the intern has chosen her/his topic by the end of the module 1 and 2 which may take up to one month.  The suggested topic will be evaluated for duplication of topic. As soon as the topic is decided on by the intern an assistant will be assigned to the intern to help her through the steps of search, apprise, and analysis

The Faculties: Mosavi Jarrahi, MSPH, Ph.D.
Prof. of Epidemiology
Dept of Social Medicine, Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Past President-elect, Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention,
Chief Executive Officer, West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention- APOCP’s West Asia Chapter

Seyed Saeed Hashemi Nazari, MD, Ph.D.
Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Safety
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Research Center, Imam Hossein Hospital
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

Prof. Amina Mohammed Al Marzouqi, Ph. D.
Prof. of Health Policy,
Vice Chancellor at University of Sharjah
College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Syed Aziz Rahman, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Health Managment
College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada

Nabeel Al-Yateem, RN, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Nursing
College of Health Sciences,
University of Sharjah,
Sharjah, UAE

Dr.Ahmed Hossain, MS, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
College of Health Sciences,
University of Sharjah,
Sharjah, UAE

In the first round of the Internship, nine interns registered. A total of 14 manuscripts were developed. The following table summarizes the details of the projects, Interns, and the outcome of the internship.

No.Project’s TitleInternParticipant’s InfoJournal /Situation
1Comprehensive analysis of the role of ubiquitin-specific peptidases in colorectal cancer: A systematic reviewEman Al-Balushi/Wael M Abdel-RahmanMaster Of Science, Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Sharjah, University City, Sharjah 27272, United Arab Emirates.

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology

Impact Factor = 5.4

Published ahead of print click here, 

2Risk of second primary cancer among breast cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysisParinaz PrhisgarStudent Medical School, Shahid Beheshti  University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran –

Frontiers in Oncology

IF= 4.7 / Published

3The effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on resilience and relapse in adult patients with substance use disorder: A Protocol for systematic review and meta-analyses

Ibraheem Mhaidat

Director of Nursing,Islamic Hospita, General Hospital, Amman  Jordan

BMJ  Open IF = 2.9

4Survival of Gastric Cancer Patients in Iran: A Systematic and Meta-Analysis

Salar Abadi

Student Research Committee Member, Medical School, Shahid Beheshti  University Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench / Published

5Pediatric Cancer Incidence & Mortality in SAARC Countries: A Protocol for Systematic Review & Meta-analysisSwetha VariyathResearch Assistant, University of Sharjah Assistant, College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE


IF= 1.6/ Accepted


Glycaemic control among adolescents with type-1

diabetes during COVID-19 lockdown: A Protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

Aaliyah MomaniAssistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Applied Science Private University, Jordan


IF= 3.7/ The second revision was done

7The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes at the Community Level: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisAaliyah MomaniAssistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Applied Science Private University

Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing

IF= 4.3 / Under Review (Revision 1)

8The Role of Ubiquitin-specific Peptidases in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review ProtocolEman AlbalushiCollege of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology / Published

9The Role of Ubiquitin-specific Peptidases in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic ReviewEman AlbalushiCollege of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE


IF= 7.2 / Under Review

10Pairing spontaneous awakening and breathing trials to improve weaning of intensive care unit patients: A Systematic Review ProtocolDr. Fatma Refaat AhmedAssistant Professor at the University of Sharjah, , College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Eastern Journal of Healthcare / Published

11Pairing spontaneous awakening and breathing trials to improve weaning of intensive care unit patients: A systematic reviewDr. Fatma Refaat AhmedAssistant Professor at the University of Sharjah, , College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Nursing in Critical Care

IF= 3/ Under Review (Revision 1)

12The Effectiveness of Virtual Simulation in Knowledge of Nurses: A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsDr. Jacqueline DiasChair & Associate Professor, Department of Nursing at the University of Sharjah

Eastern Journal of Healthcare / Published

13The Effectiveness of Virtual Simulation and Manikin-Based Simulation as Teaching Methods in Undergraduate Nursing Education; A Systematic ReviewDr. Jacqueline DiasChair & Associate Professor, Department of Nursing at the University of Sharjah

Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research

IF= 1.1 / Submitted

14The Prevalence of Asthma among Children and Adolescents in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisAysha HumaidCollege of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

BMC Public Health

IF= 4.5 / Submitted