Meeting of the editorial board members of APOCP’s Journals

The Program Agenda Scientific committee

The Rational

The aims of APOCP are to provide opportunities for expert researchers to exchange mutual information for cancer prevention, to promote collaborative studies on cancer epidemiology and prevention, and to facilitate the implementation of active programs for cancer control. APOCP is actively engaged in helping cancer scientists publish their sciences and has provided effective forums for scientists in different scope of cancer sciences to communicate and elaborate in their aims of fighting cancer. Each two years, APOCP holds a major scientific event in different countries of Asia. A regular activity of any scientific events of APOCP has been the holding of a live meeting of the editorial board members of its journals (where road maps are evaluated, and strategies are set and capacities are improved). This year’s board meeting is a two-session events in which the first session (a capacity building session) is scheduled at 11:00 to 13:30 (Tehran Times) on Dec. 9th, 2020.

To Participate, Please Register Here

The second session will be a session of round table and aims to set road maps, strategies, collect comments, suggestions and directives of the editorial board members of different journals.

Members of the Scientific Committee:

Keynote Talk: Prof. Frits Rosendaal,

COPE Council Member, the Netherlands

Prof. Le Tran Ngoan,

Editor-in-Chief of  the Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer (APJEC) International University of Health and Welfare, Japan

DR. Alireza Mosavi jarrahi,

President, Asian pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention Editor-in-Chief ,  Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP)

Dr. Duncan Nicholas,

President, The European Association of Science Editors (EASE)


Dr. MB Rokni.

Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME)

Dr. Reza Shirkoohi,

Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology (APJCB)Associate Prof. of Cancer genetics, Tehran University of medical Sciences, Iran

Dr. Abhishek Shankar,

Editor-in-Chief of The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (APJCC)Assistant Professor of Preventive Oncology, India

Dr. Hadi Zamanian,

Session Co-director, Chair of Health Information Technology Committee of APOCP Assistant Professor of Health Promotion

Saeed Yari, 

Editorial Assistant, Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer (APJEC)



The first session is scheduled on Dec. 9th, 2020, at 11:00 to 13:30 (Tehran Times).   Click to find the time of event in your location

Dec. 9th, 202011:00 to 11:10Welcome: Dr. Alireza Mosavi Jarrahi,  President, APOCP20 years experience of APJCP 
11:15: – 12:00Keynote Talk: Prof. Frits Rosendaal, COPE Council Member, the NetherlandsRelevance of scientific integrity: responsibilities of journal editors
12:00 – 12:45Keynote Talk: Dr. Duncan Nicholas President, The European Association of Science Editors (EASE)Editorial Development, raising profile, impact, engaging with audiences  
12:30-13:00Dr. MB Rokni.  Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME)Effective Editorial Screening 
13:30 -13:10Dr. H. Zamani, E-Health, APOCPIntroduction to APOCP’s Critical Appraisal Internship Initiative
 13:10 – 13:30

Discussion and question and answer